
Introducing Reuters: The Source

Written by Deepal | Sep 23, 2021 11:00:00 PM

Working on the Reuters brand is a dream come true, for me and the Reuters marketing team. One of the things that makes telling our story easier is the great source material we have to draw upon. We have an enviable mission with industry-leading reporting. In many ways, we just have to shine a light on the work we do and let it speak for itself. Up until now, Reuters has tended to be modest as a brand. You could say we are a well-kept secret, operating largely behind the scenes. 

Now is our moment to step into the spotlight, with the launch of our first major global brand campaign: 'The Source.' 

We are really excited about this campaign. It speaks to both our pedigree and the evolution of our business, delivering unbiased and agenda-free news for 170 years, while always innovating in how we report and share that information. 

The best brand campaigns are ones that feel familiar to the company while advancing the narrative around it. 'The Source' is not a reinvention, but neither is this 'business as usual'. We are making a step-change in how we represent our brand, in a way that is consistent with what we do and what we stand for.

Why 'The Source'?

  • ‘The Source’ reflects an origin—where something begins. In our case, where the story is at its purest;
  • We have an unmatched network of journalists and contacts, which means we are at the beginning of a story and covering it as it unfolds, without bias or agenda;
  • It is a reflection of The Trust Principles, and our commitment to integrity, independence, and freedom from bias in sourcing stories;
  • We power the news ecosystem; Reuters is where the news gets the news. In many cases, it is also where financial customers get their news, and where professionals across many industries come to learn about the issues and the potential impact to their fields.

How will we deliver the campaign? 

  • We are launching a global, multimedia campaign to showcase the unique value Reuters offers to our three key customer sets: LSEG / Refinitiv (and their clients), News Agency clients and professionals. 
  • You will see digital and out-of-home (billboard) advertising in London and New York City, with further digital activity worldwide. 
  • Activity starts this week and will continue to roll out over the coming months.  

I am inspired every day by the work of my colleagues around the world. I hope you share my excitement in how 'The Source' illustrates what Reuters does best -- bringing news and insights to billions of people every day.

Where can I see more?

To learn more about how we will tell our story and show how we will use the brand to elevate Reuters, visit this page.

[Reuters PR blog post]

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