On Tuesday, Reuters Editor-in-Chief sent the following message to staff about the appointment of Nick Tattersall as Global Managing Editor, Newsroom:
Dear Colleagues,
I am excited to announce that Nick Tattersall will be stepping into the role of Global Managing Editor, Newsroom, reporting to me. Our people are our most important asset; Nick will work with newsroom leaders worldwide to ensure that we are recruiting, training, developing, promoting and inspiring our global newsroom.
As part of our ongoing commitment to improving the diversity and inclusiveness of our global newsroom, Joyce Adeluwoye-Adams will also report directly to me, effective immediately.
Nick has worked extensively in newsgathering and production for more than 20 years at Reuters, and he has reported from across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In his most recent role as Head of the Global News Desk, he ran our transition to a unified 24/7 editing operation, and previously oversaw our EMEA file as Managing Editor, News for the region. He will begin his new role in January. We will advertise for a new Desk head in the hope of filling that role as quickly as possible.
Joyce has pioneered our diversity efforts over the last two years, pushing us all to make critical changes to our mindset, culture and decision-making. She has been instrumental to Reuters' first-ever Diversity report, in 2020, an important step in our efforts to become a more inclusive, effective newsroom.
Please join me in congratulating Nick and Joyce.
Thanks, and best,