Written by Tom | Aug 16, 2016 11:00:00 PM
Reuters News Agency is now offering publishers a fast new way to reach an increasingly-mobile audience who don't want to or can't listen to audio when they're on the go. Captioned videos in English and Spanish – with Portuguese and additional languages to follow – cover the top news and human interest stories around the world, allowing publishers to offer a visually compelling, personal user experience that doesn't require audio. As news breaks, a dedicated team of editors processes raw video footage and adds captions so within minutes, publishers can access snappy, 30- to 60-second videos to post to their websites. Reuters editors update the videos as events unfold, providing publishers with the most up-to-date news content available. Beta testing has demonstrated that Reuters captioned videos offer a very high level of user engagement. Reuters captioned videos are also fully shareable and embeddable. Media contact: Heather dot Carpenter at thomsonreuters dot com Reuters PR Blog Post