On Wednesday, Reuters Editor-in-Chief Steve Adler joined a panel discussion at Emerson College on fake news and alternative facts. The discussion explored the role of universities, journalism and political communication in preserving democracy, and also included Tom Ashbrook, host of NPR's On Point; Peter Casey, director of news and programming for CBS Radio/WBZ Boston; Katie Kingsbury, director of digital content for the Boston Globe; and moderator Janet Wu, former 7NBC anchor/reporter and affiliated faculty in Emerson's Journalism Department. In front of an audience of more than 300 students, local residents and press, the panel discussed issues of media ethics, journalistic responsibility, and civility in political discourse. Earlier in the day, Adler was also interviewed by Emerson College's Journalism Chair Paul Niwa for a master class. The two discussed the values most important for journalists, the role of news in helping people make better decisions and greater transparency in news reporting. You can read more about the discussion at Emerson College here ( here), and watch the full video here ( here). Media Contact: Heather dot Carpenter at thomsonreuters dot com [Reuters PR Blog Post]