Nearly 1,300 channels globally used Reuters real-time video and packaged user-generated content (UGC) of the recent anti-lockdown disturbances across China. Reuters comprehensive coverage saw multiple desks across Asia contribute to the protest reporting as it happened in several cities as movement restrictions also affected Reuters team in China.
Reuters fast response to the evolving story relied on its multi-talented correspondents, including text journalists capturing visuals, to convey the events on the ground in China to global audiences. Reuters coverage featured real-time video captured via mobile phones, which ran on major global 24-hour news channels.
In addition, verified user-generated content was critical to Reuters coverage of the protests. Reuters rapidly pulled in additional team members to focus on authenticating and packaging the obtained UGC.
Reuters Asia Video Editor Ahmed Assar highlighted the collaborative, multi-desk effort. "With COVID travel restrictions in place and several RVN team members under home quarantine, we relied heavily on user-generated video to illustrate this top global story. Working closely with the Singapore desk, the team moved a wealth of UGC that led news bulletins as the protests spread to universities and major cities across China."
The anti-lockdown protests in China were one of the highest-interest stories of the week, with just under 1,300 channels running at least one of Reuters edits and lives.
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Media contact:
JJ Minder
jj.minder @