On Thursday, Reuters was honored at the Digiday Media Awards Europe for the development of Reuters Connect - its 'one stop shop' for news content. Reuters Connect won the Best Use of Technology award, which recognizes approaches "to distribute content, enhance user experience and propel overall growth". The Digiday Media Awards Europe is a new program that celebrates companies working to modernize European media. Sue Brooks, Global Head of Product at Reuters News Agency, said; "I'm thrilled to see Reuters Connect honored in this way. Connect is a truly customer and data-informed product; it's a dynamic platform that has evolved as our clients and partners' needs have. The past year has been a roller coaster of a ride, during which we've slept little and learnt lots, but I'm delighted that the industry has recognized the innovation that has gone into creating a platform which is best in class." Reuters Connect also won International Digital Innovation of the Year at the newsawards 2018. Reuters Connect was launched in May 2017 and now offers 14 million pieces of content - from Reuters and a range of content partners - in one place. You can read more about the first year of Connect
here [Reuters Press Blog] Media Contact: Heather.Carpenter at thomsonreuters.com