On Tuesday, Reuters hosted a Newsmaker event in New York on the future of autonomous vehicles. Reuters Transportation Editor Joe White was joined on stage by Stephen Girsky, Managing Partner, VectolQ; Evangelos Simoudis, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Synapse Partners; and Padma Warrior, CEO, NIO U.S, for a lively discussion on regulation of self-driving cars, which manufacturers are leading the charge and how investors are assessing opportunity in the autonomous vehicle space. Among the highlights: --Warrior explained that autonomy is not a feature that can be added to an existing car, and that self-driving cars need to be built from the ground up. --Girksy said the U.S. could be left behind if policy doesn't catch up to technology. --On the hurdles of machine learning, Simoudis said that "getting enough data to train these systems is going to be hard." Watch the full Reuters Newsmaker at www.reuters.tv/l/lu8 . You can follow more of the discussion on Twitter by searching #ReutersLive. Media Contact: Heather dot Carpenter at thomsonreuters dot com [Reuters PR Blog Post]