On Monday, Reuters hosted a Newsmaker event in Toronto with Google Vice President and Chief Scientific Advisor to Vector Institute, Professor Geoffrey Hinton. Professor Hinton joined Reuters Global Technology Editor Jonathan Weber on stage to discuss artificial intelligence and its application in a variety of industries – from technology and financial services to healthcare, automotive and manufacturing. Among the highlights: --Asked whether he thinks there is risk of neural networks producing nefarious conclusions, he said, "You have to worry about people manipulating these things." --On what is likely to change in the financial and regulatory world over the next few years, Professor Hinton said, "pretty much everything." --Asked if we'll have self-driving cars within the next five years, he said, "Probably." --Professor Hinton said he sees systems that can predict "what will happen to a [medical] patient next fairly reliably, and treating it before it does," as a future application of these technologies. Watch the full Reuters Newsmaker here Media Contact: Heather dot Carpenter at thomsonreuters dot com [Reuters PR Blog Post]