On Monday, Reuters hosted an event in Toronto in conjunction with Columbia Journalism Review, Committee to Protect Journalists and the Globe and Mail on threats to journalism around the world. The half-day event explored the global threat to journalists, what comes next for journalism and a discussion on the two Reuters reporters currently detained in Myanmar. In "Journalism under Trumpism", Kyle Pope, editor-in-chief of CJR, moderated a discussion with CPJ's Alexandra Ellerbeck, CJR's Alexandria Neason and Reuters editor Paul Thomasch on how media coverage has changed in the Trump era. CJR's Courtney Radsch followed with a panel with Al Jazeera English' Jeff Ballou, the Economist's Madelaine Drohan and CJR's Mathew Ingram on how those same issues translate on a global scale. Closing out the day was a session on jailed journalists. Moderated by CPJ's Joel Simon, Reuters Editor-in-Chief Steve Adler and Executive Editor Reg Chua were joined by CJP board member Kathleen Carroll, where they discussed detained Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo and their investigation published by Reuters last week. [Reuters Press Blog] Media Contact: Heather dot Carpener at thomsonreuters dot com