When an airstrike struck a shopping mall in Kremenchuk, central Ukraine on Monday 27th June, Reuters journalist Anna Voitenko arrived at the scene and shot the first pictures with her phone.
At least one rocket crashed into the busy shopping center that afternoon, setting the building ablaze, Authorities said 18 people were killed and 36 people were missing.
Anna had been enroute to nearby Dnipro when the news broke. Conscious of the need for speed, she used her phone camera to shoot the first images, which she then sent to the desk in Kyiv.
"I filmed the first minutes of the terrible sight we witnessed using my smartphone to then quickly transfer the material to the team in Kyiv. Then I continued to work with my camera," said Anna Voitenko, a Reuters Journalist in Ukraine.
Using her phone to send her images won Reuters critical time. The remainder of that day's coverage was shot with a professional camera, which you can find on Reuters Connect here. Read more about the story from Reuters journalists here.
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