Reuters announced today the launch of a new video news channel on the Amazon News app on Fire TV. Reuters trusted and impartial news coverage of the biggest stories of the day across general news, business, politics, entertainment and more will be available on all Fire TV devices in the United States.
On the Amazon News channel, Fire TV customers will be able to view Reuters news reports through packaged video segments of 2- to-3-minute clips of each story and Reuters global video coverage will be distributed continuously in 30-minute feeds, updated to reflect the most important stories of the moment.
"Bringing Reuters news to the Amazon News app on Fire TV allows users to tap into Reuters trusted global intelligence to help them to stay informed of the most important news of the day and to make smart decisions in real time," said Josh London, Head of Reuters Professional and Chief Marketing Officer, Reuters. "By engaging new audiences across streaming services and other platforms, we're meeting them on the devices they find most convenient and adding to the billions of users already reached by Reuters every day."
Reuters global news coverage, produced by 2,500 journalists in 200 locations around the world, is now available to stream on OTT platforms in over 15 countries worldwide, including the U.S, UK, Germany, France, Canada and Japan.
Amazon's news app on Fire TV is a free and customizable news aggregator that is supported with advertising. The app comes built into the Fire TV experience on all Fire TV streaming media players and smart TVs in the US. When you open the app for the first time, you can select the news that matters most to you from national and local sources. A custom playlist will be generated based on your selections.
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Heather Carpenter
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