Reuters on Monday launched an industrywide effort to say thank you to the journalists around the world who bring us the news about the COVID-19 pandemic. In a specially produced video, Reuters highlighted the reporters, photographers, videographers and editors who are continuing to report the news, paying tribute those who uncover the truth and bring the facts to readers -whether from out in the field or behind the scenes. The initiative encourages media organizations, journalists, readers and the wider industry to express their gratitude using the hashtag #thankyoujournalists. With nearly 13 million impressions on Twitter in the first day, organizations including the Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, National Association of Media Literacy Education, the Center for Public Integrity, Investigative Reporters & Editors, Press Gazette and Society of Editors UK shared their thanks, as well as PR teams from news organizations around the world, Christiane Amanpour, Rafat Ali, Ali Velshi and François-Philippe Champagne (FPC), Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs. Join and share your thanks to journalists around the world using hashtag #thankyoujournalists
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[Reuters PR Blog]