Written by Tom | Apr 5, 2017 11:00:00 PM
In a memo ( here) to readers today, Reuters Editor-in-Chief Stephen J. Adler outlined the initiative, aimed to provide additional transparency around the reporting process. You may not be familiar with the Thomson Reuters Trust Principles, but to us at Reuters they are our indispensable compass. Created in 1941, in the midst of World War II, they call upon Reuters and its employees to act at all times with integrity, independence and freedom from bias. The Trust Principles were built into the charter of Reuters when it went public in 1984 and into the founding documents of the Thomson Reuters Corp. after it was formed in 2008. In their clarity and uncompromising standards, these principles have proven invaluable in guiding our journalists over the past 75 years, and they continue to help us report honestly and fairly in today's challenging environment.Starting today, you'll see that we have attached a link to the Trust Principles at the bottom of all stories on Reuters.com. In addition, from time to time, when we think it might be useful to the reader, we will also provide an explanation – which we are calling Backstory ( www.reuters.com/backstory)– of how we have reported a particular piece. Backstory will be presented as a statement of methodology or a Q&A with a Reuters journalist. These additions reflect our commitment not only to deliver accurate, unbiased news but to share more information about the way we work and the standards under which we operate. Sincerely,Stephen J. Adler Media Contact: Heather dot Carpenter at thomsonreuters dot com [Reuters PR Blog Post]