Reuters today launched two new Spanish-language fact-checking channels in partnership with WhatsApp, allowing WhatsApp users in Mexico and Spanish-speaking users in the U.S. to verify content with Reuters. The new Reuters Fact Check Mexico and Reuters Fact Check Spanish U.S. channels will connect WhatsApp users with trusted, accurate information from Reuters on potential misinformation they want to validate.
WhatsApp users in the U.S. (+1 646-577-2924) and Mexico (+52 56 2001 8078) can send information they would like to verify to Reuters Fact Check and will receive relevant Reuters content to help them assess the accuracy of the information. The ReutersFact Checkchannels will surface fact check articles tackling misinformation about politics, health and breaking news events. The Reuters channels are available 24/7 via an automated chatbot.
"As misinformation continues to increase globally, the Reuters Fact Check team remains vigilant in its work to verify content and identify false information being shared. We are deeply committed to reducing potentially inaccurate and harmful misinformation, and it's a great time to be working with WhatsApp to harness the power of messaging tools to connect Spanish-speaking WhatsApp users with credible information verified by Reuters," said Stephanie Burnett, Reuters Digital Verification Editor.
The Reuters Fact Check channels on WhatsApp are Reuters latest partnership to help combat the spread of misinformation. Reuters first launched its fact-checking initiative in 2020 and now partners with several major technology platforms on initiatives to combat misinformation, including fact-checking of social media content in countries on four continents and in five languages.
For more information on Reuters Fact Check, visit
Media Contact:
Heather Carpenter
Heather.Carpenter @