
Reuters ranked as second most trusted news brand in GlobalWebIndex report

Written by Tom | Jul 10, 2019 11:00:00 PM
Reuters has been ranked as the second most trustworthy news brand in the world, according to the GlobalWebIndex 2019 News Consumption Report. The report focuses on understanding the changing news landscape, with a spotlight on news media and news consumption. Reuters tied for second place with DW, with 49 percent of respondents describing it as a trustworthy news brand. At a time when trust in the news matters more than ever, the top five most trustworthy news brands also included BBC News, CNN, and the New York Times. The report, which analyzed 27 new services, compiled data sampled by 51,983 internet users between the ages of 16 and 64. The respondents were asked questions pertaining to trustworthiness and accuracy, expert analysis/opinions, and personal relevance. Click here to get the full report. [Reuters PR Blog Post] Media Contact: Heather.Carpenter @