Reuters and ANI today announced that Reuters has reduced its minority interest in ANI. The move allows Reuters and ANI to comply with India's news and current affairs regulations.
In addition, ANI and Reuters News Agency renewed their content and distribution partnership. The renewed relationship enables ANI to distribute Reuters services to Indian media and allows Reuters to make ANI video and now pictures available to Reuters customers internationally via Reuters Connect.
ANI Chief Executive Officer Sanjiv Prakash commented on the cooperation, "Through our renewed partnership, Reuters and ANI will ensure the India story reaches the world, optimised for the digital media era."
Reuters VP, Business Development & Strategy Alphonse Hardel said, "The Reuters and ANI partnership allows us to explore new areas of digital growth and provides Reuters international customers access to footage of a region that continues to shape the news agenda globally."
Media contact:
JJ Minder
jj.minder @