On Wednesday, Reuters will host a Twitter chat to discuss back-to-school plans in a pandemic, featuring K-12 education experts from Harvard University's Graduate School of Education, Stanford University, Penn State, New York University and Bank Street College, along with leading education organizations. Guests will include:
- Jal Mehta, professor at Harvard University Graduate School of Education
- Laura Schifter, lecturer at Harvard University Graduate School of Education
- Dr. Paul L. Morgan, professor of education at Penn State College of Education
- Antero Garcia, assistant professor at Stanford University
- Jo Boaler, professor at Stanford University and co-founder of YouCubed
- Michael Petrilli, president of Thomas B. Fordham Institute
- Rebecca Kullback, psychotherapist and Co-owner of Metropolitan Counseling Associates and LaunchWell College Readiness Program
- John Bailey, visiting fellow at American Enterprise Institute
- L'Heurex Lewis-McCoy, Associate Professor of Sociology of Education at New York University
- David Kirkland, Executive Director of New York University Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools and Associate Professor of English and Urban Education