Reuters extensive on the ground coverage from Ukraine has seen record-breaking use of its pictures and video content by publishers and TV stations around the world. Reuters recorded its largest ever use of video in March and attracted over one billion views on social media.
Over 4.5 million uses of Reuters video were detected on TV globally last month, surpassing the previous record a month earlier of 3.6 million, and exceeding the one set during the first quarter of 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world.
Now into its second month, the conflict in Ukraine has driven global usage of Reuters video to a record high. In the last week alone, unique footage from the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol has run on over 1000 channels worldwide. The footage was captured by a courageous and determined team of correspondents on-the-ground traveling back and forth to Mariupol every day.
The top-most used videos included:
- Military vehicles including tanks and APCs seen on outskirts of Donetsk - Reuters witness
- Unidentified missile hit southern Kyiv following Russia attack
- Fierce fighting between Ukrainian and Russian forces in Kharkiv
- Residential building front wrecked after Russian missile attacks hit Kyiv
- Residential building ablaze in Kyiv, Ukrainian official says enemy aircraft downed
Social views also reached one of the highest levels seen on a running story with 347 million views in a single week, while Reuters pictures had the highest number of downloads in a single day on February 24. A selection of some of the most downloaded pictures can be found here.
With 2,500 journalists in 200 locations, Reuters is the source for fast, accurate and trusted coverage of every major news story. For more Reuters coverage across pictures, text, and video, visit Reuters Connect.
To follow Reuters coverage of the Russian-Ukraine conflict, click here
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Kayley. Rogers@