
Suzanne Plunkett named Reuters UKI Chief Photographer

Written by JJ | Dec 15, 2022 12:00:00 AM

Reuters Europe Pictures Editor Lucy Nicholson sent the following message to staff about Suzanne Plunkett's appointment as chief photographer for the United Kingdom and Ireland (UKI):

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Suzanne Plunkett as UKI chief photographer.

Suzanne, returning to Reuters after a seven-year break, will join the UKI team on January 16, 2023, and will manage the UKI team of Reuters photographers. She will work closely with the chief photographer, Action Images - a newly-created position. 

Suzanne brings a wealth of photography and management experience to the role. She took one of the iconic photographs of the attacks at the U.S. World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, while working as a staff photographer for the Associated Press in New York. As chief photographer for the AP in Indonesia, Suzanne managed a team of five Jakarta-based photographers and a large network of freelancers during the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. Suzanne worked as Bloomberg's UK senior photographer before joining Reuters as a staff photographer in London for seven years. 

Suzanne left Reuters in 2015 to teach and freelance in London for clients including the New York Times and CNN. She founded the UK chapter of Women Photograph - an organization that works to mentor and support the work of women and nonbinary visual journalists.  

Suzanne has a degree in photojournalism and art history from Boston University. A Minnesota native, Suzanne now lives in London with her husband Barry and their daughter Ivy. 

Media contact:
Heather Carpenter
heather.carpenter @